Sermon Archives

Pastor Doug Dent
April 28, 2024

Whole New Ballgame

Because “God is love…those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them” (v. 16). To abide is to live or to dwell in something. To abide is to accept, observe and follow a particular path. For John, to prove that we love God means we love our brothers and sisters. To […]

April 23, 2024

The Good Shepherd Brand

The Good Shepherd brand is based on sacrifice, on a deep relationship with people and with God, on the power of community, on a desire to reach new people, and on complete self-giving. In a world of so many competing religions, we need to focus on speaking God’s truth to a bewildered world and to […]

April 14, 2024

God, Give Me Some Space!

The patience of God is a beckoning hand, an open door, a pathway home. The patience of God came to Jonah in the belly of a fish, calling him to get back on board with God’s plan to redeem the Ninevites. The patience of God came to Matthew at the tax booth with Jesus calling […]

April 7, 2024

Favorite Child

Grace is a gift. You cannot be a follower of Jesus Christ if you do not set aside judgmental, rules-based thinking, and claim the joyful truth that you are never going to get what you deserve at the hand of God. Which is a good thing, because, if we got what we deserve, we would […]

March 31, 2024

The Skiplagging Christ

Jesus’ detour on his way to the right hand of God served a purpose. Jesus is one of us. The disciples thought they were seeing a ghost. They were wrong. He was one of them. And if we are to have a ghost of a chance at experiencing the power of the resurrected life of […]

March 28, 2024

Peter Got It Wrong

Peter went to his death boldly. He never gave up on the love we are to have for one another, the love that Jesus modeled in the humble act of washing feet. In response to that self-giving love of Jesus, Peter gave up his own life willingly. Peter served others by giving the example of […]

March 24, 2024

A King’s Ranson

So, today, let us wave our palms and sing our hymns of victory. Let us cheer Jesus’ triumphal entry as our King. But let us also be aware that, between the hosannas of Palm Sunday and the alleluias of Easter there is an arrest, and a flogging, a trial, and a cross. A king’s ransom […]

March 17, 2024

Fruit Flavored Christians

When Jesus says that his followers must be “born from above” he means that we must exchange our loyalties. The apostle Paul says something like this to the Galatian Christians. Paul uses the word “flesh” to describe the things of this world that can be detrimental to our mental, physical, and spiritual health. He counsels […]

March 10, 2024

God’s Portolan

  Among the most famous nautical yarns is the mutiny on the Bounty, a Royal Navy ship sailing the South Pacific. In 1789, a group of mutineers led by his master’s mate, Fletcher Christian, overthrew the captain of that ship, William Bligh, a notoriously harsh taskmaster. Rather than murdering their captain, the mutineers put Bligh […]

March 3, 2024

Liar, Liar

Jesus came into the world “to bear witness to the truth” (John 18:37), and the world rejected Him and scoffed at Him. But His sheep know the voice of their Good Shepherd, and they follow Him. He gives them eternal life, and no one will snatch them from His hand. We, too, bear witness to the […]

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