The House of Hope (Casa de Esperanza) is home to both children and youth. The aim of the House of Hope is to raise these children of God in a safe, loving, Christian environment; to educate them, and then send them out prepared for higher education or employment.
As a church, we decided to become official mission partners with the House of Hope in 2012. We pray for them on a regular basis, stay connected through email and other means, send groups yearly or more, and aid in supporting their mission financially. Groups that go to House of Hope support the local staff in construction projects, trips to mountain villages to distribute food and share testimonies, visits to schools to perform a gospel-story drama, and loving and playing with the kids.
Funding for the House of Hope comes entirely from private donations. The House of Hope provides quality, Christian education through a combination of printed and online resources. The annual school fee for one student is $330.
A group of youth and chaperones visited House of Hope during Christmas break 2014. They celebrated Christmas with all the kids and staff at House of Hope, assisted with construction projects, visited a mountain village, and spent a lot of time playing with and loving the kids. It’s wonderful to continue our partnership with this important ministry!
Most recently, a team of youth traveled to House of Hope in February of 2019. Their time in Guatemala included assistance with construction projects; travelling to several mountain villages and providing food for the people there; and playing with kids of the House of Hope.