Name, Image and Likeness
Pastor Doug Dent
Respect is something that matters to us as disciples of Jesus. Watching the political debates recently, I’ve come to a new appreciation about the difference between civility and respect. Civility is a formal display of courtesy and politeness. Political candidates show civility when they shake hands before and after a debate. But civility is not […]
Rooted in the Living Water
Pastor Doug Dent
The advice of the wicked refers to the prevailing value system promoted by an unbelieving world. These are the messages the media dole out every day. We hear the siren-song: acquire more; be more successful; look younger and feel better; pursue your own personal happiness; use other people to get what you want. This is […]
No Stage for Moses
Pastor Doug Dent
Moses knew that no performance could be as powerful as the institution of Passover. In similar manner, no pastor on a platform can shape people like the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s supper in a Spirit-filled community. Our challenge, as we begin this new church school year, is to be formative Christians, being shaped […]
Thanks for Everything
Pastor Doug Dent
In all seriousness, though, even suffering can have a positive aspect. It may sound pollyannaish to say that “every cloud has a silver lining,” but there is a fair bit of truth in that statement. In the meantime, consider offering this honest prayer, or something like it: “Lord, I don’t know what you’re doing with […]
Jesus’ Miracle Diet
Pastor Doug Dent
John 6:24-35 is a prime example. The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 is all about Jesus handing out loaves and fishes to a hungry multitude. So appealing was the flashy food distribution that it attracted crowds who followed Jesus to the other side of the sea, hoping for a repeat performance. Responding to […]
Pastor Doug Dent
Jesus takes the loaves, gives thanks, and distributes them, along with the fish. Everyone gets as much as they want, and then Jesus tells the disciples, “Gather up the fragments” (v. 12). They fill 12 baskets with leftovers, causing the people to stare at Jesus in amazement. They begin to say, “This is indeed the […]
Formula for Forgiveness
Pastor Doug Dent
Forgiveness means that we are not destined endlessly to replay the grievances of yesterday. It is the ability to live with the past without being held captive by the past. It would not be an exaggeration to say that forgiveness is the most compelling testimony to human freedom. It is about the action that is […]
The Prism Effect: A Story of Light
Pastor Doug Dent
The colors of creation appear through the one and only light of this world, Christ Jesus, the Son of God. When the Creator’s light hits the first two planes and is refracted through the third plane, which is the Holy Spirit, it is transformed into a wondrous array of colors, each showing one aspect of […]
Unforced Errors
Pastor Doug Dent
The bad news about being human is that we will make mistakes. The good news is that we do not have to be defined by those mistakes. There is always someone who struggles with the same thing we do; and we have a God who knows our weaknesses and loves us anyway. In the game […]
It Is What It Is
Pastor Doug Dent
There is an old story about a king, whose people had grown soft and entitled. Displeased, the king hoped to teach them a lesson. He placed a large boulder in the middle of the road, completely blocking entry into the city. Then he hid nearby to observe their reactions. Would they band together to remove […]
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