A Hallowed Quaternity
Pastor Doug Dent
The God of the Seas gave inspiration to the World Council of Churches whose logo depicts a ship sailing on the waters. Rising from the ship’s deck is a mast and spar in the form of the cross of Christ. Below the ship, as though floating on the ocean waters, is the Greek word, “Oikoumene” […]
A Hallowed Quaternity
Pastor Doug Dent
Take. Bless. Break. Give. This is the mandate for those who would be disciples of Jesus, for it is in the taking, blessing, breaking, and giving of ourselves for the Gospel that Jesus is recognized by the world.
Royal Births
Pastor Doug Dent
When we live with joy, certainty, and completeness in Christ, we are compelling witnesses to the transformative power of the gospel. Where else are people likely to find authenticity and a genuine adherence to what is right, good, and just? However, when we lapse into somberness, joylessness, self-righteousness and complacency, it is like we’ve never […]
The Universe is Humming
Pastor Doug Dent
In a world that makes us weary, it can be hard to rejoice, to find connection, to hope, to wonder; but as we go out into the broken world that is humming and wonder-filled, may we be amazed that God does not wait. May we be amazed by this thing God is about to do […]
Why Not Me?
Pastor Doug Dent
One day, not long after, Mary and Joseph would flee with Jesus to Egypt, one step ahead of Herod’s murderous soldiers. And one day, far in the future, this same courageous woman would stand at the foot of a cross, looking on as her son died in agony. Did she ask, “Why me” even on […]
The Produce Section
Pastor Doug Dent
We have 16 more shopping days until Christmas Day. Perhaps some of those days can be spent taking stock of what is sitting inside our produce sections, what has reached its expiration date and should be discarded, and what might be shared with a neighbor in need. Bear fruit that is worthy: worthy of repentance, […]
Now Introducing
Pastor Doug Dent
So now that we know more about Jesus, the Christ and coming King, how might we introduce him if we were given that honor? For starters, we might say that Jesus Christ is the One who is, was, and ever will be; that he was born to die; that death could not hold him in […]
God’s Balance Sheet
Pastor Doug Dent
Then there is the Offering. We receive abundantly from God, so itis time for us to give something back. In harvesting the grain, we need to leave something for the gleaners. If we isolate the offering from the rest of worship, our giving becomes a drain, ready to suck down our hard-earned dollars. But, if […]
Pillar of Faith
Pastor Doug Dent
What God most wants from humanity is love. It is easy to think that God is more interested in other things: time, money, effort, will, submission, and so forth. But what God really wants from humanity is love. When people really love the LORD with all the heart, soul, and mind, then all else is freely […]
Range Anxiety
Pastor Doug Dent
So how do we navigate the tension? How can we reconcile our belief in divine providence with the realities of human experience? One approach is to embrace a theology of mystery and paradox, acknowledging that human understanding is limited in its ability to comprehend the ways of God. Job understands this when he says, “I […]
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